Archaically referred to as The Thirteen Postures 十三式, history holds that the patriarch of the Wudang Sanfeng Lineage, Zhang Sanfeng 張三丰 is the founder of the practice we now refer to as Taijiquan 太極拳. So, alongside our internal alchemy 內丹 and meditation traditions, Taijiquan is really the mainstay of our lineage. Generally typified by slow, fluid movements, Taijiquan is perhaps best expressed in the expression “within stillness, there is movement; within movement there is stillness 靜中有動,動中有靜”. With its on emphasis bodily awareness, it is a particularly Daoist form of moving meditation.
Taiji classes are recommended for students aged 16 and up and are particularly well-suited for those looking for a gentle yet potent means to improve the health of their load-bearing joints, settle their spirits, and improve their general health.
Taiji classes also include access to Qigong Foundations classes. We are presently offering one Taiji Foundations class and one Qigong Foundations class. Taiji classes are generally broken up into 5 parts:
Loosen up
Taiji basics
Taiji 9 Posture or 28 Posture Form
Concluding Qigong
Taiji & Qigong - Wed. 5:30 to 6:45 PM
Qigong - Sun. 10:00 to 10:50 AM
$189 per month
$249 per month for Taiji & Qigong and Kungfu classes!