School Regulations

“Inwardly calm, outwardly respectful” - Guanzi


The spirit of our community can be summed up in this ancient Chinese phrase. Below are some basic guidelines to help maintain a harmonious school environment:

  • No strong aromas: This includes cologne, perfume, essential oils, and body odor.

  • Clean uniforms required: Uniforms and training shoes must be clean and free of odor.

  • Indoor training shoes only: No outdoor shoes or barefeet on the training floor.

  • Limited phone use: No use of phones or tablets in the school, except for class registration or payments. If you need to use your phone, please step outside to do so.

  • Proper weapons handling: Never handle any weapons you are not specifically trained in.

  • No swearing or obscene gestures.

  • No substance use: No consciousness-altering substances are allowed in the school, including alcohol and tobacco.

  • Refrain from political discussions.

Before Class

  • Arrive Early: Arrive and be ready 10 minutes before class starts.

  • Remove Jewelry: Except for wedding bands, remove all jewelry, watches (including “smart” watches), piercings, and accessories before class.

  • Respect Ongoing Classes: Remain quiet and respectful if another class is in session.

During Class

  • School uniforms must be worn at all times.

  • Minimal Conversation: Keep conversation to a minimum and focused on training.

  • Late Arrival Protocol: If late, enter quietly and wait for Shifu to invite you into the training area.

  • Instruction Posture: Stand with feet squared and hands clasped behind your back when receiving instruction.

Interacting with Shifu and Eachother

  • Proper Greeting: Always greet Shifu properly upon entering the school.

  • Respectful Address: Refer to Shifu only as "Shifu," not as 'dude,' 'man,' 'bro,' or any other informal titles.